ICS 314 was an incredible learning experience. My perspective may have been a bit different from others, since I transferred from KCC and nearly all of my classes were online. The only class that i had that wasn’t online was ICS 141, which was also very fun! the camaradarie that I built with others by being in person and in person instruction highly valuable and something that I wouldn’t exchange for online learning. In retrospect, of the technical things I learned in ICS 314, I appreciate the WODs and the final project the most.
I can imagine that many people find the in-class WODs to be very stressful, though I believe this is valuable to build real life experience and to convey a different aspect of computer science. This may be a particularly unique trait that I can perceive, though the stress that is caused by the time and pressure of the in person WODs are something that can be used to build mental strength and bonds between students.
The final project was the most valuable experience that I believe I benefited from in ICS 314. Even though it was incredibly stressful to work in a team, it shown me a glimpse of what it is like to work in a team in the tech field. Not only by using GitHub functionally, but the communication, leadership, and direction that is required when working with a team. In retrospect, if I were able to go back and redo the final project from the beginning, I would’ve taken a stronger leadership role and specifically determined the strengths and weaknesses of my team.
My team was compiled of intelligent and skilled individuals, each with their own best skillset. One member in particular had a strong ability in the back-end, of which naturally kept much of the details in check. The rest of us were definitely capable, though did not function as deterministically as him. knowing this, I understand that we all have skill sets that can be utilized, and a team can be most efficient if these qualities are recognized and directed.
In the end, what I am most taking away from my experience in ICS 314 isn’t technical syntax, though of course I have learned it, but the nuances of real world pressure that we will all come to understand soon enough. To back-step on myself, that does include the realization that useful modern software is a complex amalgamation of many things and for from simple. This realization, in my opinion, is a potential breaking point for those who will continue and those who will not. For myself, I want more.