I believe that there isn’t a more complex, unique, and exciting industry to be in than computer science. If you search on the web, you will find countless articles and videos speaking of the future AI revolution and the potential of the positive and negative effects that may come. For me, software engineering is just the beginning of my adventure in the tech industry. I want to learn as much as I can about everything that I can. All I realluy need to do right now, is pass Algorithms.
As a third year at the University of Hawaii Manoa, I am just beginning to scratch the surface of the infinitely deep world of Computer Science. When I first began learning to code, back in 2020, I thought that websites were self contained and that all you needed to do was write a long page of code for it to work. Less than a year later, after completing a Full-Stack Developer coding bootcamp, I realized how wrong I was. Somewhere along the way I realized I want to be a part of the impact that AI will have on the future, but How does a person who wants to learn everything decide what path to take? Fortunately, college takes care of that for now and I’m relying on my determination to lead me.
After my B.S. in Computer Science on the general track, I want to pursue a masters and PhD, though as of now I can’t fully imagine what that will entail. All I know is that I will do my best to focus on it being somewhere within the AI and machine learning realm. I often consider what I will do if I am financially stable and have the opportunity to pursue a passion of my own and one of the recurring themes tends to be one that helps my friends, family, community, and society as a whole. I want to be capable enough to implement artificial intelligence in ways that will assist others to be able to become successful or increase quality of life. Realistically, this is just a pipe dream for now. Though, I know at some point in the future, I will be able to put all of my efforts to great use.